Antiques & Collectibles
Showing 17–32 of 680 results
crested ware pig with Londonderry coat of arms (1084)
£7.00 -
Studio Dante Di Volteradici Alberto Santangela Plate L’ADORAZIONE DEI MAGI 1983 (1083)
£25.00 -
Royal Worcester figure Months of the Year March (1082)
£40.00 -
Royal Doulton “New Baby” girl HN 3712 (1081)
£35.00 -
Royal Doulton “New Baby” BOY HN 3713 (1080)
£35.00 -
Vintage rare pair of West German mid century nutcracker Beer drinking German bar stool (1079)
£500.00 -
Continental candle stick with putti (1078)
£25.00 -
Victorian ivory covered church service book George E Eyre and William Spotswoode dated 1871 (1077)
£100.00 -
Vintage desk accessory cased mother of pearl handled magnifying glass and letter opener (1076)
£50.00 -
Vintage Lee Guinness S102 Ltd Draftsman’s set in its Original box (1075)
£60.00 -
FRENCH A.C. milliammeter, by A. Gaiffe, Paris, 1900-1910 (1074)
£50.00 -
In the original case silver handled shoe horn and button hook circa 1913 (1073)
£60.00 -
Set of 6 cased Walker and Hall silver Teaspoons with sugar tongs (1072)
£80.00 -
Antique Northwood Carnival Glass Grape & Cable Amethyst Ruffle Bowl (1071)
£75.00 -
Fenton Carnival GREEN Glass Bowl Grapes & Leaves (1070)
£25.00 -
Vintage/ Retro West German Pottery Scheurich Large Lava Vase 517-30 (1069)